As recently announced on the Computing Research Policy Blog, the CRA and CCC web sites are now providing a weekly feature called “Computing Research Highlight of the Week.” If you are doing computing research, you are invited to submit your own work for possible inclusion in this weekly feature.
These highlights are designed to provide easily digestible, compelling nuggets of computing research work. Members of Congress, the Administration, and funding agency managers and directors are some of the main audiences for these web pages. We believe the highlights should also prove to be useful for the entire research community. The highlights can be accessed directly, received by email, RSS feed, or even embedded in your own web page.
The current Computing Research Highlight of the Week describes a new algorithm from UCSD researchers that performs route computation in a way that may lead to major improvements in network efficiency. Check it out — it is punchy, informative, and makes good use of some simple graphics while at the same time providing links to the scientific publication and full press release.
So, please submit your own highlights! The response thus far has been very good, and we expect that many people outside of our community, including key decision makers, will make good use of the information.