On Monday, November 19, at 4:00 PM EST, the National Science Foundation will hold a webinar on its Cyber-Enabled Sustainability Science and Engineering (CyberSEES) Program. The program aims to advance interdisciplinary research in which the science and engineering of sustainability are enabled by new advances in computing, and where computational innovation is grounded in the context of sustainability problems.
“CyberSEES is open to a wide range of sustainability challenges and interdisciplinary approaches; and aims to advance computing and information sciences research and infrastructure in tandem with other disciplines. Proposals are expected to forge interdisciplinary collaborations among the computer and information sciences, social and natural sciences, mathematical sciences, engineering, and associated cyberinfrastructure to address challenging sustainability problems.
The webinar will cover the goals of the SEES initiative, the CyberSEES program scope and requirements, and other SEES funding opportunities relevant to the CISE community.”
Click here to register for the webinar. If you are interested in applying, a letter of intent must be received by December 4, 2012, and full proposals are due February 5, 2013.
The CCC has also supported visioning activities on sustainability. In 2011, the CCC and NSF held a joint workshop titled “IT and the Sustainability Enterprise.”