The National Science Foundation (NSF) has a new public access plan called Today’s Data, Tomorrow’s Discoveries that was released in March to increase access to the results of research funded by NSF.
Public access is intended to accelerate the dissemination of fundamental research results that will advance the frontiers of knowledge and help ensure the nation’s future prosperity. NSF’s plan is grounded in the realization that clear and open communication of research results is central to fulfilling NSF’s primary mission of promoting the progress of science.
NSF will implement its public access requirements in stages. In the first implementation, the following products of NSF-funded research are in scope:
Articles in peer-reviewed journals in which the research is funded wholly or in part by NSF through new awards resulting from proposals submitted, or due, on or after January 2016.
Papers accepted as part of juried conference proceedings in which the research is funded wholly or in part by NSF through new awards resulting from proposals submitted, or due, on or after January 2016.
Data and associated outcomes that result from NSF-funded research and are subject to the existing Data Management Plan (DMP) requirement, implemented on January 18, 2011.
For more information on the Public Access Plan, including the new requirements, see NSF 15-52.