The Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2014 mandated a report to Congress on the status of a Cybersecurity Research Plan, specifically focusing on software security. The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is in a unique position to provide input from the computer science research community to the report before it is finalized. There is a hope that this report will influence decisions about the areas on which to focus and make future research funding available through different federal agencies.
In order to prepare this feedback, we have formed an editorial team consisting of Kevin Fu, Lorrie Cranor, Cynthia Dwork and Avi Rubin. Specifically, we are looking for a brief response to the below question and any additional thoughts you may have. We ask that you submit to us the text in a well-written, editable form, to make it easy for us to extract parts of it for use in the final report. These contributions will provide the foundation for the feedback (though we may not use text directly from all of them).
What research areas could enable transformative changes in practice that would be game changers with respect to software security (think 2, 5 and 10 year timelines)?
We have been given a tight schedule for preparing the report, and thus ask that you submit your input to us by October 30, 2015 either through this form or through email to