The following is from Sonynka Ngosso from the Office of Strategic Coordination at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announcing the new Big Data to Knowledge Reserouces Page.
Dear Colleagues,
Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) grantees developed a series of resources for the biomedical research and data science communities to use big data to answer biomedical research questions. Under current efforts to make the products of BD2K research usable, discoverable, and disseminated to the biomedical research community, the NIH Office of Strategic Coordination (OSC) released a webpage with direct hyperlinks to the resources developed through BD2K funding (
The BD2K resource page will be updated periodically and populated with new resources as they become available. Please feel free to share this information with interested colleagues.
Sonynka Ngosso [C], M.S., M.B.A.
Policy, Planning, Evaluation, and Communication (PPEC)
Office of Strategic Coordination – The Common Fund
National Institutes of Health