Beth Mynatt

Holly Rushmeier
The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) recently held a visioning workshop in Atlanta, GA to discuss and articulate research visions for authoring rich graphical content for new workforce training. The workshop’s goal was to articulate research challenges and needs and to summarize the current state of the practice in this area. This workshop is in response to growing needs in the field and new research programs such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier: Advancing Cognitive and Physical Capabilities (FW-HTF).
In this episode of the Catalyzing Computing podcast, Khari Douglas sits down with workshop organizers Holly Rushmeier (Yale) and Beth Mynatt (Georgia Tech) to discuss the goals and outcomes of the event. Stream the episode below or listen through iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Play | Youtube, and subscribe to receive notifications every time a new episode is released. Learn more about the Content Generation for Workforce Training workshop on the workshop webpage.
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