Kevin Crowston, Aaron Dant, Phil Feldman, Wayne Lutters, and John Leslie King
The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) recently sponsored a Blue Sky Ideas Conference Track at the 14th annual iConference, March 31- April 3, 2019 in Washington, DC.
This special track for 2019 sought ideas and visions that stimulate the iSchool research community to pursue new directions. It was organized by Kevin Crowston from Syracuse University and John Leslie King from the University of Michigan.
Philip Gregory Feldman, University of Maryland, Baltimore County and ASRC Federal; Aaron Dant, ASRC Federal; Wayne Lutters, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Megan Finn, University of Washington; Daniela Rosner, University of Washington
Anne J. Gilliland, University of California, Los Angeles; Kathy Carbone, University of California, Los Angeles
CCC provides travel awards to authors of the winning papers. We encourage you to apply for a Blue Sky Ideas track at your conference!