The NSF Workshop on Sustainable Computing for Sustainability has just released a virtual registration link to attend the workshop remotely on April 16-17, 2024. This workshop, which the CCC’s own Chandra Krintz is on the steering committee for, seeks to identify open challenges in how to harness computing to tackle sustainability problems, and in ensuring that computing accounts for sustainability in its own development and operation.
Due to space limitations, the workshop will follow a hybrid format with approximately 100 in-person attendees at the National Science Foundation’s headquarters in Alexandria, VA, and remote participation feasible through a zoom webinar. Please use this link to register to attend remotely. The deadline to register to attend virtually is April 6th.
Here is a link to the workshop agenda, and below are the workshop themes:
Sustainable Computing
- Datacenters, Energy and Optimization
- Integration of Computing with the (Smart) Grid
- Modularity and Lifecycle of Computing
Computing for Sustainability
- Computing and Climate Modeling
- Computing and Agriculture and Food Systems
- Computing and Smart Building