Computing Community Consortium Blog

The goal of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is to catalyze the computing research community to debate longer range, more audacious research challenges; to build consensus around research visions; to evolve the most promising visions toward clearly defined initiatives; and to work with the funding organizations to move challenges and visions toward funding initiatives. The purpose of this blog is to provide a more immediate, online mechanism for dissemination of visioning concepts and community discussion/debate about them.

Author Archive


CCC Weekly Computing News: NSF, NEH and International Agencies Fund Climate Initiative

July 5th, 2024 / in CCC, climate / by Petruce Jean-Charles

In another installment of CCC’s Weekly Computing News, we are sharing an exciting funding opportunity for climate change adaptation and mitigation. NSF, NEH and partner funding agencies announce the winners of the Canada-led 2023 International Joint Initiative for Research on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation competition On June 3, the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), along with several international funding agencies, announced the recipients of the International Joint Initiative for Research on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.  This initiative, managed by Canada’s New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF), awarded nearly $26 million to fund 11 collaborative research projects. NSF contributed approximately $6 million, […]

CCC Council Member Holly Yanco Receives $1.5 Million Grant to Advance Robot Manipulation

July 4th, 2024 / in Announcements, CCC, robotics / by Petruce Jean-Charles

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is pleased to share that council member Holly Yanco and a team of researchers are leading an ambitious project called Collaborative Open-source Manipulation Performance Assessment for Robotics Enhancement (COMPARE), funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), aimed at revolutionizing robot manipulation through a standardized ecosystem.  In an article from the University of Massachusetts Lowell, Yanco said, “The inability to reliably grasp and manipulate objects in unstructured environments is a major limitation preventing fully assistive robot systems in the home for our growing elderly population, flexible manufacturing to improve the supply chain, and many other applications.” COMPARE has already engaged the robot manipulation community through workshops […]

CCC Welcomes New Leadership and Council Members

July 3rd, 2024 / in Announcements, CCC / by Petruce Jean-Charles

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is thrilled to announce new leadership. Nadya Bliss will assume the role of Chair, while Katie Siek will take on the position of Vice Chair. Both Nadya and Katie bring a wealth of experience and a proven track record of contributions to CCC. We eagerly anticipate their continued dedication and innovative leadership in advancing the mission of CCC. Bliss assumed the role of Vice Chair for CCC on July 1, 2022, following her membership in the Council since July 2017. Over the years, she has been instrumental in CCC’s initiatives, contributing significantly to RFIs, whitepapers, and workshops. Notably, her contributions were pivotal in projects such […]

CCC Extends Warm Welcome to New Council Members

July 2nd, 2024 / in Announcements, CCC / by Petruce Jean-Charles

CCC is thrilled to announce that the following six computing researchers have joined the CCC Council: Weisong Shi, University of Delaware Rayid Ghani, Carnegie Mellon University Sebastian Elbaum, University of Virginia Rachel Greenstadt, New York University Manish Parashar, The University of Utah Gabrielle Allen, University of Wyoming Starting today, July 1, newly appointed members will begin their three-year terms on the CCC Council. Consisting of 20 individuals with expertise spanning various computing areas, they play a vital role in steering CCC’s visioning initiatives and facilitating the emergence of innovative ideas for future computing research.  The CCC and CRA extend our gratitude to outgoing council members whose terms conclude on June […]

CCC Chair Daniel Lopresti Transitions to Chair Emeritus and Several Council Members Rotate Off

July 1st, 2024 / in Announcements, CCC / by Petruce Jean-Charles

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) wishes Dan Lopresti well as his 2-year term as Council Chair comes to a close. June 30th marks the end of Lopresti’s term and CCC is grateful for his leadership. He remains on the Council for another year as Chair Emeritus. Lopresti has been an active member of the CCC since 2015. His contributions to the community since the start are extensive, but we will share just a few here: In 2020, Lopresti co-organized and collaborated with partners including Delta 8.7 at United Nations University, the United Kingdom’s Alan Turing Institute and the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham for the Code 8.7 on […]

What Experts Say the Future of Computing Will Look Like in 40 Years

June 26th, 2024 / in AI, CCC, robotics / by Petruce Jean-Charles

Are you curious about where computational advancements will be in four decades? The Computing Community Consortium’s (CCC) council member Bill Gropp and The Computing Research Association’s Widening Participation (CRA-WP) board member Nancy Amato along with four other faculty members from the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign (UIUC) shared their knowledge on how developments in computer science and robotics will impact society by 2067.  In an article from Illinois Alumni at the UIUC, these experts see a future of innovation and optimism despite possible challenges.  Computer Science In the future, Gropp explained that computing advancements won’t rely on faster hardware alone. Instead, compute speedups will depend on making processes more efficient […]