Computing Community Consortium Blog

The goal of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is to catalyze the computing research community to debate longer range, more audacious research challenges; to build consensus around research visions; to evolve the most promising visions toward clearly defined initiatives; and to work with the funding organizations to move challenges and visions toward funding initiatives. The purpose of this blog is to provide a more immediate, online mechanism for dissemination of visioning concepts and community discussion/debate about them.

Archive for the ‘workshop reports’ category


Cyber Security Data for Experimentation

August 22nd, 2011 / in research horizons, resources, workshop reports / by Erwin Gianchandani

The NSF’s CISE Directorate has issued a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), calling to attention the outputs of a multi-agency, invitational workshop on Cyber Security Data for Experimentation (CSDE). The workshop — which was held last year through the collaboration of the NSF, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of Naval Research (ONR), and Treasury Department, as well as other Federal agencies — sought to find new ways for industrial partners to exchange relevant data with academic researchers. Academic, industry, and government participants engaged in spirited discussion and developed a deeper understanding of the issues involved in gaining access to industrial data sources and sharing research results based on those data…   One positive outcome […]

PCAST Discusses Future of Scientific Research

July 21st, 2011 / in policy, workshop reports / by Erwin Gianchandani

In a public session last Friday, the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) spent time discussing the future of scientific research in the U.S. — hearing from Keith Yamamoto, Executive Vice Dean of the UCSF School of Medicine, and Venkatesh Narayanamurti, Professor of Technology and Public Policy at Harvard. The pair spoke about an upcoming American Academy of Arts and Sciences’ Study on the Impacts of Federal and Industry Funding of Science, Engineering, and Medicine on American Universities (ARISE II). While much of the discussion centered on the life sciences, there were some interesting points raised about the divide between basic and applied research — as well as the future […]

Eric Lander and Larry Summers Talk Innovation, R&D

July 5th, 2011 / in policy, workshop reports / by Erwin Gianchandani

At the Brookings Institution last week, Larry Summers, former head of the National Economic Council, and Eric Lander, co-chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), discussed the role of government in fostering innovation — as well as the impact of science and technology R&D on the economy. Among the highlights, Lander discussed the long lead time in basic R&D investments: So current productivity is a lagging indicator of good investments made 25 years ago, perhaps. Where does, say, the information technology productivity that we celebrate today come from? You’re going to trace that all the way back to DARPA — to the DoD in the 1950s […]

More About “Living the Future Today”

June 22nd, 2011 / in research horizons, workshop reports / by Erwin Gianchandani

A couple weeks ago, I briefly noted in this space the June 9-10 US Ignite and GigU Workshops held at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH. The highlight of the event — for me at least — was a two-hour demo session called “Living the Future Today” featuring 13 teams of researchers from around the country illustrating all different kinds of ultra-broadband uses. Now the organizers, led by CWRU CIO Lev Gonick, have posted a short video montage — compressing those two hours into just five minutes. It’s worth watching: For those interested, all the plenaries are now online, starting here. (Contributed by Erwin Gianchandani, CCC Director)

US Ignite & GigU Workshops: “Living the Future Today”

June 11th, 2011 / in research horizons, workshop reports / by Erwin Gianchandani

I’m just back from a great workshop on US Ignite and GigU, held at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland this week. I sat in on the US Ignite track — and got to hear many excellent presentations from folks with exciting ideas (and teams at the ready!) for developing gigabit applications. Each team summarized the novelty of their idea(s), how ultra-broadband connectivity is key to success, feasibility, benefits, and metrics for evaluation. In many cases, the ideas and teams emerged from a brainstorming session that took place during the first US Ignite workshop held in Washington, DC, on May 16 — just under a month ago. Areas of particular emphasis […]

US Ignite & GigU Plenaries Webcast Today & Tomorrow

June 9th, 2011 / in policy, research horizons, resources, workshop reports / by Erwin Gianchandani

The NSF’s CISE Directorate and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) are co-sponsoring a pair of workshops on US Ignite and GigU — initiatives we’ve covered in this space before — at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH, today and tomorrow. For those interested, you can watch live webcasts of the plenary sessions here (note the timings): – Today 1-2pm EDT (right now!): Kickoff panel with Jim Baller (PSGW), Blair Levin (GigU), and Suzi Iacono (NSF/CISE) – Friday 11:30am-12:30pm EDT: Closing panel with Jim Baller (PSGW), Blair Levin (GigU), and Suzi Iacono (NSF/CISE) (Contributed by Erwin Gianchandani, CCC Director)