A new episode of the Computing Community Consortium‘s (CCC) podcast, Catalyzing Computing, is now available. This is part two of Khari Douglas’ interview with Natesh Ganesh, a recent PhD graduate from the University of Massachussetts at Amherst and a current Research Fellow at the University of Colorado, Boulder through the NIST Professional Research Experience Program (PREP). Natesh’s research interest lie in the fields of AI, neuromorphic hardware, thermodynamics (Natesh was an organizer of the CCC’s 2019 Thermodynamic Computing workshop, read the Thermodynamic Computing workshop report here), and the emergence of consciousness. In this episode we talk about some of the key contributors to the space of artificial consciousness and discuss the ethics […]
Computing Community Consortium Blog
The goal of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is to catalyze the computing research community to debate longer range, more audacious research challenges; to build consensus around research visions; to evolve the most promising visions toward clearly defined initiatives; and to work with the funding organizations to move challenges and visions toward funding initiatives. The purpose of this blog is to provide a more immediate, online mechanism for dissemination of visioning concepts and community discussion/debate about them.
Posts Tagged ‘AI’
Catalyzing Computing Podcast Episode 20 – The Ethics of Artificial Consciousness with Natesh Ganesh
March 2nd, 2020 / in AI, podcast / by Khari DouglasCatalyzing Computing Podcast Episode 19 – Intro to Artificial Consciousness with Natesh Ganesh
February 24th, 2020 / in AI, podcast / by Khari DouglasA new episode of the Computing Community Consortium‘s (CCC) podcast, Catalyzing Computing, is now available. Khari Douglas interviews Natesh Ganesh, a recent PhD graduate from the University of Massachussetts at Amherst and a current Research Fellow at the University of Colorado, Boulder through the NIST Professional Research Experience Program (PREP), whose research interest lie in the fields of AI, neuromorphic hardware, thermodynamics, and the emergence of consciousness. In this episode we discuss some, though certainly not all, of the leading theoretical frameworks for studying artificial consciousness. You can stream the episode in the embedded player below or find it on Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Play | Blubrry | iHeartRadio | Youtube. If you are interested in appearing in an episode […]
White House Proposes U.S. AI Regulatory Principles
January 14th, 2020 / in AI, Announcements / by Helen WrightThe following is a recent press release from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. They proposed 10 principles to guide federal regulation of AI technologies and applications. These draft principles will soon be open for public comment for 60 days (with a notice posted to the Federal Register). THE WHITE HOUSE Office of Science and Technology Policy FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 7, 2020 White House Proposes U.S. AI Regulatory Principles Today, the White House is proposing U.S. AI regulatory principles to govern the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the private sector. Through these 10 principles, developed as part of the American AI Initiative launched by President Trump, […]
NSF Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institutes
December 2nd, 2019 / in Announcements, NSF, research horizons, Research News, robotics / by Helen WrightThe National Science Foundation (NSF) just posted a number of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institutes: Accelerating Research, Transforming Society, and Growing the American Workforce Solicitation (NSF 20-503). The National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes program anticipates approximately $120 million in grants next year to fund eight planning grants and up to six research institutes in order to advance AI research and create national nexus points for universities, federal agencies, industries, and nonprofits. Earlier this year, the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) released their completed AI Roadmap, titled A 20-Year Community Roadmap for AI Research in the US. An HTML version is available here. This roadmap, led by Yolanda Gil (University […]
National Security Commission on AI (NSCAI) Interim Report- Public Conference Calls
November 13th, 2019 / in AI, Announcements, research horizons, Research News / by Helen WrightLast week, we shared the National Security Commission on AI‘s Interim Report as well as details about the corresponding conference held on November 6, Strength Through Innovation: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of U.S. National Security. The Commission now welcomes feedback and is looking forward to continuing to engage with the community as they move into the analysis and recommendation phase of the Commission’s work. To that end, they will be holding a series of teleconferences to provide a deeper dive into the interim report content and gather your feedback. Please join them on one of the following dates for these discussions: LOE 1: Invest in AI R&D, Thursday, November 21, […]
Defense Innovation Board Final Report on AI Ethics Principles
November 5th, 2019 / in Announcements, research horizons, Research News, resources / by Helen WrightContributions to this post were provided by CCC Chair Mark D. Hill from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and CCC Executive Committee Member Nadya Bliss from Arizona State University. The leadership of the Department of Defense (DoD) tasked the Defense Innovation Board (DIB) with proposing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethics Principles for DoD for the design, development, and deployment of AI for both combat and non-combat purposes. “The mission of the DIB is to provide the Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense, and other senior leaders across the Department with independent advice and recommendations on innovative means to address future challenges through the prism of three focus areas: people and culture, […]