Computing Community Consortium Blog

The goal of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is to catalyze the computing research community to debate longer range, more audacious research challenges; to build consensus around research visions; to evolve the most promising visions toward clearly defined initiatives; and to work with the funding organizations to move challenges and visions toward funding initiatives. The purpose of this blog is to provide a more immediate, online mechanism for dissemination of visioning concepts and community discussion/debate about them.

Posts Tagged ‘CCC


Great Innovative Idea- Processor Design Exploration for Vision Based Mobile Robots

August 22nd, 2016 / in CCC, Great Innovative Idea / by Helen Wright

The following Great Innovative Idea is from Christopher B. Harris, the Presidential Diversity Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Engineering at Brown University. Harris presented his poster, Processor Design Exploration for Vision Based Mobile Robots, at the CCC Symposium on Computing Research, May 9-10, 2016. The Idea At Brown University, we’re designing robots! Actually, we’re building the simulation tools used to design mobile robots. Mobile robots require specialized algorithms for tasks such as perception and control. These algorithms are often very processor intensive. As a result, much of the innovation in mobile robotics currently occurs at the software level. Robotics researchers will often devise new algorithms and run them on whatever computing platform is […]

South Big Data Hub DataStart fellow reflects on lessons learned

August 9th, 2016 / in CCC, NSF, Research News / by Helen Wright

The following is a blog post from Jonathan Ortiz, a Data Analytics and Big Data student at The University of Texas at Austin. Ortiz participated in, an Austin data startup, through a DataStart fellowship managed by the South Big Data Hub with support from the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). This blog was originally published by HUBBUB!, the South Big Data Hubs Blog.  As the summer semester passes its halfway point, I take a moment to reflect on just what an amazing summer it has been and think ahead to what is in store for the second half. I am a Data Analytics and Big Data student at The […]

CCC Computing Research Symposium- Computing in the Physical World

July 21st, 2016 / in Announcements, CCC, research horizons, Research News / by Helen Wright

The following is a guest blog post by CCC council member Klara Nahrstedt from the University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign and past CCC council member Ross Whitaker from University of Utah.  ‘Computing in the physical world’ themes are emerging rapidly within our urban and rural areas. Cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things technologies, Big Data analytics algorithms, and new computing sustainability paradigms are being discussed across government, industry, foundations, and academia. This was also the purpose of discussions during the ½ day event, called “Computing in the Physical World” at the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Symposium on Addressing National Priorities and Societal Needs. The “Computing in the Physical World” event […]

CCC Computing Research Symposium- Life Long Learning (Education and Workforce)

July 20th, 2016 / in Announcements, CCC, Research News / by Helen Wright

The following is a guest blog by Vasant G Honavar, Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Member, Edward Frymoyer Endowed Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, Professor of Computer Science, and Director of the Center for Big Data Analytics and Discovery Informatics at the Pennsylvania State University. It has long been recognized that many routine or manual blue collar work has been, and will continue to be, automated. The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report predicts widespread disruption not only to business models as well as labor markets, due to the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” unleashed in part, by the advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning, robotics, among other fields. The […]

CCC Computing Research Symposium- Learning Health Systems and Successful Aging

July 19th, 2016 / in CCC, Research News, videos, workshop reports / by Helen Wright

The following is a guest blog by Beth Mynatt, Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Chair, Professor and Director of Georgia Tech’s Institute for People and Technology.  Computing technology creates the core capabilities in many industry sectors including healthcare. Healthcare in particular is beset with many challenges. Despite over $3 trillion (over 17% GDP) of expenditures, approximately ¼ of hospital patients suffer preventable harm. By some accounts, healthcare errors are the 3rd leading cause of death in the US following heart disease and cancer. Complexity abounds. Older adults typically can often be prescribed 10 or more medications and must coordinate treatment by as many clinicians. Correspondingly clinicians are treating more patients. ICU […]

CCC Welcomes New Council Members and Leadership!

July 1st, 2016 / in Announcements, CCC / by Helen Wright

Today, July 1st, is the start of a new term at CCC! The new Computing Community Consortium (CCC) leadership, Elizabeth Mynatt and Mark Hill will assume their roles as Chair and Vice Chair respectively for two-years, while Greg Hager is stepping down after two years as Chair. The other members of the CCC Executive Committee include Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University, and Ben Zorn, Microsoft Research. In addition to a new Exec Committee, four new CCC Council members will us join us for the start of their three-year terms, Sampath Kannan, University of Pennsylvania, Maja Matarić, University of Southern California, Nina Mishra, Amazon Research, and Holly Rushmeier, Yale University. The CCC and CRA thank Greg Hager and those Council members […]