As part of the rollout of the 2020 Computing Research Associations (CRA) Quadrennial Papers, the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is pleased to publish the third group of papers around the “Socio-Technical Computing” theme. The Quadrennial Papers are intended to help inform the computing research community and those who craft science policy about opportunities in computing research to help address national priorities. As part of CCC’s contribution, in addition to the previous themes of Broad Computer Science and Core Computer Science from previous weeks, one more set of Quadrennial Papers will be released next week organized around the theme of Artificial Intelligence. The intersection of computing technologies and society is the […]
Computing Community Consortium Blog
The goal of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is to catalyze the computing research community to debate longer range, more audacious research challenges; to build consensus around research visions; to evolve the most promising visions toward clearly defined initiatives; and to work with the funding organizations to move challenges and visions toward funding initiatives. The purpose of this blog is to provide a more immediate, online mechanism for dissemination of visioning concepts and community discussion/debate about them.
Posts Tagged ‘CCC’
CCC Quadrennial Papers: Socio-Technical Computing
November 12th, 2020 / in CCC, CCC-led white papers, CRA, Quad Paper, research horizons, Research News / by Maddy HunterCCC Quadrennial Papers: Broad Computer Science
November 6th, 2020 / in CCC, CCC-led white papers, CRA, research horizons, Research News / by Maddy HunterAs part of the rollout of the 2020 Computing Research Association’s (CRA) Quadrennial Papers, the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is pleased to publish the second group of papers around “Broad Computer Science,” including papers on pandemic informatics, infrastructure for AI, High Performance Computing (HPC) and Quantum, robotics in the workforce and a new research ecosystem for secure computing. The Quadrennial Papers are intended to help inform the computing research community and those who craft science policy about opportunities in computing research to help address national priorities. As part of CCC’s contribution, in addition to the theme of Core Computer Science from last week, two more sets of Quadrennial Papers organized […]
Blue Sky at AAAI HCOMP 2020
November 5th, 2020 / in Blue Sky, CCC / by Helen WrightThe Computing Community Consortium (CCC) recently sponsored a Blue Sky Ideas Conference Track at the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2020), October 25-29th, 2020, online. The emphasis of this track was on visionary ideas, long term challenges, and opportunities in research that are outside of the current mainstream topics of the field. First Place- “Using Human Cognitive Limitations to Enable New Systems“ Vincent Conitzer Second Place “Group-Assign: Type Theoretic Framework for Human AI Orchestration“ Aik Beng Ng, Zhangsheng Lai, Simon See, Shaowei Lin CCC provides travel awards to the winners. We encourage you to apply for a Blue Sky Ideas track at your conference! Requests need only include a brief description of […]
CCC Welcomes New Council Members and Leadership!
July 1st, 2020 / in Announcements, CCC / by Helen WrightToday, July 1st, is the start of a new term at CCC! The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is happy to announce that Liz Bradley from the University of Colorado-Boulder is the new Chair and Dan Lopresti from Lehigh University is the Vice Chair. Mark D. Hill from the University of Wisconsin-Madison is the Chair Emeritus. The CCC Chair and Vice Chair both serve two-year terms; at the culmination of the two years, the Vice Chair typically becomes the new Chair. The CCC also welcomes seven new council members, nominated by colleagues in the computing research community, who began their three-year terms today: Kathleen Fisher, Tufts University William D. Gropp, University […]
CCC Transition 2020 & Accomplishments 2017-2020
June 30th, 2020 / in Announcements, CCC / by Helen WrightThe following is a letter from CCC Chair Mark D. Hill from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Hello: Tonight the Computing Community Consortium transitions leadership and members, including me stepping down as Chair. Congratulations to the new CCC Chair Liz Bradley, Vice Chair Dan Lopresti, and new members Kathleen Fisher, William D. Gropp, Brian LaMacchia, Melanie Moses, Helen Nissenbaum, and Holly Yanco. I look forward to great accomplishments! Thanks to all the current and former CCC members who have contributed to CCC’s continued successes these last several years, especially those rotating off the council: Juliana Freire, Keith Marzullo, Greg Morrisett, Jen Rexford, and Ben Zorn. Thanks to the staff who enable […]
ACM SIGARCH BLOG: A Vision of Computer Architecture Visioning
May 27th, 2020 / in big science, CCC, policy, research horizons, Research News / by Helen WrightThe following blog was originally posted in ACM SIGARCH on May 26th, 2020. It is written by Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Chair Mark D. Hill from the University of Wisconsin Madison. Hill is the recipient of the 2019 Eckert-Mauchly award, a lifetime achievement award in computer architecture. TL;DR: This post reviews some successful visioning in computer architecture and related fields. It argues why visioning is necessary for our field to flourish and discusses how the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) has facilitated some of this. Visioning is especially critical now as disruptions arrive from many quarters. Visioning: The development of a plan, goal, or vision for the future. From Latin videre–to see. “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” […]