Holly Rushmeier

Holly Rushmeier's picture

Holly Rushmeier is a professor in the Yale Department of Computer Science. Her research interests include shape and appearance capture, applications of perception in computer graphics, modeling material appearance and developing computational tools for cultural heritage.


Holly Rushmeier received the BS, MS and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University in 1977, 1986 and 1988 respectively. Between receiving the BS and returning to graduate school in 1983 she worked as an engineer at the Boeing Commercial Airplane Company and at Washington Natural Gas Company (now a part of Puget Sound Energy). In 1988 she joined the Mechanical Engineering faculty at Georgia Tech. While there she conducted sponsored research in the area of computer graphics image synthesis and taught classes heat transfer and numerical methods at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. At the end of 1991 Holly Rushmeier joined the computing and mathematics staff of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, focusing on scientific data visualization.

From 1996 to early 2004 Rushmeier was a research staff member at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. At IBM she worked on a variety of data visualization problems in applications ranging from engineering to finance. She also worked in the area of acquisition of data required for generating realistic computer graphics models, including a project to create a digital model of Michelangelo's Florence Pieta, and the development of a scanning system to capture shape and appearance data for presenting Egyptian cultural artifacts on the World Wide Web.

Rushmeier was Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Graphics from 1996-99 and co-EiC of Computer Graphics Forum (2010-2014). She has also served on the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage and IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. She currently serves the editorial boards of ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, ACM Transactions on Graphics, the Visual Computer and Computers and Graphics. In 1996 she served as the papers chair for the ACM SIGGRAPH conference, in 1998,2004 and 2005 as the papers co-chair for the IEEE Visualization conference and in 2000 as the papers co-chair for the Eurographics Rendering Workshop. She has also served in numerous program committees including multiple years on the committees for SIGGRAPH, IEEE Visualization, Eurographics, Eurographics Rendering Workshop/Symposium, and Graphics Interface.

Rushmeier has lectured at many meetings and academic institutions, including invited keynote presentations at international meetings (Eurographics Rendering Workshop 94, 3DIM 01 , Eurographics Conference 2001 and 2012, Pacific Graphics 2010, SCCG 2013, CGI 2014 and CAA 2015.) She has spoken at and/or organized many tutorials and panels at the SIGGRAPH and IEEE Visualization conferences. Rushmeier served as chair of the Computer Science Department, July 2011- July 2014.

Google Scholar Page

Professional Activity

Editor-in-Chief, ACM Transactions on Graphics (1996-9)
co-Editor-in-Chief, Computer Graphics Forum (2010-2013)

Editorial Board, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (1996-8 ), IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (2002-2010), ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage (2008-2015) and the Visual Computer

Special Issue Guest Editor, April-June 1999 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
Guest co-Editor, September 2002, December 2003, and November 2014 IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

Chair, Papers Committee ACM SIGGRAPH 1996

Co-Chair, Papers Committee IEEE Visualization 1998, 2004, 2005

Co-Chair, Program for First Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, 2004

Co-Chair, Eurographics Rendering Workshop, 2000

Program Co-Chair 1994 ACM/IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization.

Co-organizer, Eurographics Material Appearance Modeling 2013,2014,2015

ACM Publications Board (2003-2010) (co-chair 2007-2009)

Executive Committee Member (elected), European Association for Computer Graphics, 2002-2008.

National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator, 1990.
ACM, Distinguished Engineer, 2006
Fellow, Eurographics Association, 2011
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Achievement Award 2013

Keynote Speaker: Eurographics Rendering Workshop 1994, Eurographics Conference 2001 and 2012, 3DIM 2001, International Workshop on Volume Graphics 2005, Graphics Interface 2005, ACM VRST 2007, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 2008, Pacific Graphics 2010, SCCG 2013, CGI 2014, CAA 2015
Program/Papers committee member for: Volume Visualization 1992, 1996, Eurographics Workshop/Symposium on Rendering 1994-2004, 2008-9,2012-13, Eurographics Symposium on Geometry 2009-13, ACM SIGGRAPH 1995, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013 Eurographics Conference 1996, 1999, 2001-2003, 2008, 2010, 2015 Graphics Interface 1997, 1998, 2002-2004 ASME Design for Manufacturing Conference 1998 IEEE Visualization Conference 1999-2003, 2006, Pacific Graphics 2002, 2010-13,2015 Afrigraph 2001,2003, 2004, 2007, 2009 ,Web3D 2003, VAST 2003-4, 2007-8, 2010, WSCG 2004 , 3DPVT 2004, 2008 ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008, 2010-11, 2014-15, ACM APGV 2011, ACM SAP 2012-3, CGI 2010-13, IEEE SMC 2012-3.

SIGGRAPH Sketches Jury 1997, 2002, Panel Jury 2002, SIGGRAPH General Jury 2008, SIGGRAPH Asia Sketches and Poster 2008

Technical Reviewer for: The Visual Computer, Computers and Graphics, The Journal of Heat Transfer, AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, International Journal of Computer Vision, Illumination Engineering Society of North America Annual Conference, the US National Science Foundation, US DOE, Israel Science Foundation, Italian Ministry for Education University and Research, John Wiley &Sons, Inc., IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.

Course Organizer for: SIGGRAPH Courses ``Making Radiosity Practical'', 1993, ``Advanced Topics in Radiosity'', 1994, ``A Basic Guide to Global Illumination'', 1998, " Case Study: Scanning Michelangelo's Florentine Pieta`". 1999. "Modeling Digital Material Appearance", 2006, 2008-9l; Eurographics Course "Modeling Digital Material Appearance" 2008, 2010

Panel Organizer for: IEEE Visualization Panels ``Metrics and Benchmarks for Visualization'' 1995, ``Perceptual Measures for Effective Visualizations'' 1997, SIGGRAPH Panel ``Cultural Heritage and Computer Graphics¡± 2004.

Panel Participant for: SIGGRAPH 2000 panel "Understanding the Past", SIGGRAPH 2001 panel "Newton's Nightmare: Reality Meets Faux Physics", Eurographics 2008 Educators panel "What Can We Gain from Transdisciplinary Visualization Courses?"

Lecturer for: SIGGRAPH Course ``Radiosity'', 1989-92, SIGGRAPH Course on ``Photorealistic Volume Modeling and Rendering Techniques'', 1991, SIGGRAPH Course on ``Global Illumination'' 1992, SIGGRAPH Course on ``Realistic Input for Realistic Rendering'' 1995, SIGGRAPH Course on "Image-based Surface Details" 2000, SIGGRAPH Course on "Seeing is Believing" 2001, SIGGRAPH Course "Psychometrics 101" 2002, SIGGRAPH Course "Frontiers in Perceptually Based Image Synthesis: Modeling, Rendering, Display, Validation," 2003, 3DIM 2003 Course "Museum and heritage applications of 3D imaging and modeling", SIGGRAPH Course "Digital Modeling of Material Appearance", 2005-06, Eurographics 2008 Course "Advanced Material Models".

Students Supervised:
David Hall, MS Thesis, Georgia Tech, "An Analysis and Modification of Shao's Radiosity Method for Computer Graphics Image Synthesis", 1990.

Johne' Parker, PhD (Co-advised with Kok-Meng Lee, Georgia Tech), "An Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Physically-Accurate Synthetic Images for Machine Vision System Design.", 1996.
Chen Xu, PhD, Yale, "Acquiring the Shape and Appearance of Physical Scenes", 2011.

Dissertation committee member for: Jeff Nimeroff, UPenn, 1997; Jack Tumbin, Georgia Tech, 1999; Xiaohu Guo, SUNY Stonybrook, 2006; Gang Li, Yale, 2006; Lujin Wang, SUNY Stonybrook, 2007; Oguz Akyuz, University of Central Florida, 2007; Mark Colbert, University of Central Florida, 2008; Fan Wu, WPI, 2008; Jianye Lu, Yale, 2009; Corey Toler-Franklin, Princeton, 2011; Hongzhi Wu, Yale, 2012; Elizabeth Kim, 2013; external examiner for David Martindale, University of British Columbia, 2002; Irene Cheng, University of Alberta, 2005, Chuong Nguyen, Saarland University, 2015.

Licensed Professional Engineer, Mechanical (State of Washington), 1983-present.