The 2015 NSF Early-Career Investigators Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems in Smart Cities will be held in Seattle, WA on April 13-17, 2015. This year’s workshop is implemented in conjunction with the IEEE/ACM CPS Week 2015 – the idea is that participants of the 2015 ECI-CPS workshop will also be able to attend CPS Week 2015.
The purpose of the early-career workshop is to identify, develop, and strengthen the CPS research community, particularly in the emerging area of Smart Cities. Participation in this workshop is thus prioritized for early-career researchers (i.e., senior Ph.D. candidates, postdoctoral fellows, research scientists, and assistant professors).
Participation and contribution is encouraged from all research disciplines, including computer and information science, engineering, social, behavioral and economic sciences, and beyond. International contributions -especially case-study reports of Smart City implementations- are also welcomed.
Invited attendees (selected based on position paper submission) from outside the Seattle area will be provided with a stipend of $1,500 to subsidize expenses. Support may be available for international participants based on their contributions to the workshop content (evaluated by the workshop program committee).
Some important dates/deadlines include:
27 February 2015: Submission of position paper
6 March 2015: Notification of invitation
10 March 2015: Workshop and CPS Week registration
13–17 April 2015: Workshop days
Complete information on this event can be found here.