Melanie Mitchell, Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Council member and Professor at the Santa Fe Institute and Portland State University was recently interviewed on the Medscape podcast, Medicine and the Machine in an episode titled ‘Can AI Exist in Medicine Without Human Oversight?. The podcast, led by Medscape editor-in-chief Eric Topol and Abraham Verghese from Stanford, explores critical questions and discussions on artificial intelligence’s (AI) impact on modern medicine. While it was acknowledged that AI has made great strides in the past decade on accomplishing narrow tasks, the episode highlights that the technology still lacks the ability to work autonomously in the field of medicine. Making this a possibility would require […]
Computing Community Consortium Blog
The goal of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is to catalyze the computing research community to debate longer range, more audacious research challenges; to build consensus around research visions; to evolve the most promising visions toward clearly defined initiatives; and to work with the funding organizations to move challenges and visions toward funding initiatives. The purpose of this blog is to provide a more immediate, online mechanism for dissemination of visioning concepts and community discussion/debate about them.
Archive for the ‘AI’ category
CCC Council Member Melanie Mitchell on if AI can Exist in Medicine Without Human Oversight
January 19th, 2021 / in AI, CCC, Healthcare, Research News, Uncategorized / by Maddy HunterNational AI Initiative Office launched by White House
January 13th, 2021 / in AI, Announcements, CCC, robotics, workshop reports / by Helen WrightThe White House yesterday established a new office focused on coordinating U.S. efforts in Artificial Intelligence research. The new National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office, under the leadership of Founding Director and current U.S. Deputy Chief Technology Officer Lynne Parker, “is charged with overseeing and implementing the United States national AI strategy and will serve as the central hub for Federal coordination and collaboration in AI research and policymaking across the government, as well as with private sector, academia, and other stakeholders.” See the new logo that features a bald eagle clutching a neural network. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) established the new office in accordance […]
NSTC Subcommittee Report: Recommendations for Leveraging Cloud Computing Resources for Federally Funded Artificial Intelligence Research and Development
November 20th, 2020 / in AI, Announcements, Quad Paper, research horizons, Research News, resources / by Helen WrightThe National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) subcommittee on Artificial Intelligence (AI) just released a new report that provides Recommendations for Leveraging Cloud Computing Resources for Federally Funded Artificial Intelligence Research and Development. The report provides recommendations on better enabling the use of cloud computing resources for federally funded AI Research and Development (R&D). See a summary of those recommendations below. Recommendation 1: Launch and support pilot projects to identify and explore the advantages and challenges associated with the use of commercial clouds in conducting federally funded AI research. Recommendation 2: Improve education and training opportunities to help researchers better leverage cloud resources for AI R&D. Recommendation 3: Catalog best […]
CCC Quadrennial Papers: Artificial Intelligence
November 19th, 2020 / in AI, CCC, CCC-led white papers, CRA, Quad Paper, research horizons, Research News / by Maddy HunterAs part of the rollout of the 2020 Computing Research Associations (CRA) Quadrennial Papers, the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is pleased to publish the final group of papers around the “Artificial Intelligence (AI)” theme, including papers on AI being deployed at the edge of the network, cooperation between AI and humans, new approaches to understanding AI’s impact on society, AI-driven simulators, and the next generation of AI. The Quadrennial Papers are intended to help inform the computing research community and those who craft science policy about opportunities in computing research to help address national priorities. This group of papers is the final installation of the CCC’s contribution, in addition to […]
Assured Autonomy Workshop Report Released
October 27th, 2020 / in AI, Announcements, CCC, research horizons, Research News, robotics, Security, workshop reports / by Helen WrightThe Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is pleased to announce the release of the Assured Autonomy report, titled Assured Autonomy: Path Toward Living With Autonomous Systems We Can Trust. The report is the result of a year-long effort by the CCC and over 100 members of the research community, led by Ufuk Topcu (The University of Texas at Austin). Workshop organizers included Nadya Bliss (Arizona State University and CCC), Nancy Cooke (Arizona State University), Missy Cummings (Duke University), Ashley Llorens (Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory), Howard Shrobe (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and Lenore Zuck (University of Illinois at Chicago). Given the immense interest and investment in autonomy, a series of […]
CCC/NAE Workshop Report- The Role of Robotics in Infectious Disease Crises
October 13th, 2020 / in AI, Announcements, CCC, COVID, robotics, workshop reports / by Helen WrightIn an effort to prepare for the next pandemic and perhaps aid in the current one, the Computing Community Consortium (CCC), along with the National Academy of Engineering, hosted a virtual workshop entitled Role of Robotics in Infectious Disease Crises on July 9-10, 2020. Organized by Gregory Hager (The Johns Hopkins University), Vijay Kumar (The University of Pennsylvania), Robin Murphy (Texas A&M University), Daniela Rus (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and Russell Taylor (The Johns Hopkins University), the workshop consisted of over forty participants including representatives from the engineering/robotics community, clinicians, critical care workers, public health and safety experts, and emergency responders. Today we are pleased to release the resulting report […]