On Friday of last week, the CCC submitted a response to the Request for Information on Digital Assets Research and Development, which was released in January by the OSTP and NSF’s interagency Fast Track Action Committee (FTAC) on Digital Assets Research and Development. The RFI aims to inform a holistic government approach to understanding and regulating digital assets and distributed ledger technology. The response was written by Hank Korth (Lehigh University), Rajmohan Rajaraman (Northeastern University), Catherine Gill (Computing Community Consortium), and Ann Schwartz (Computing Community Consortium). The term “digital assets” implies a financial application of the term, but digital assets actually have a much broader meaning. Digital assets refer […]
Computing Community Consortium Blog
The goal of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is to catalyze the computing research community to debate longer range, more audacious research challenges; to build consensus around research visions; to evolve the most promising visions toward clearly defined initiatives; and to work with the funding organizations to move challenges and visions toward funding initiatives. The purpose of this blog is to provide a more immediate, online mechanism for dissemination of visioning concepts and community discussion/debate about them.
Archive for the ‘CCC’ category
CCC Submits Response to the OSTP Request for Information on Digital Assets Research and Development
March 8th, 2023 / in CCC, NITRD, NSF, resources / by Catherine GillFinal Call for CCC Council Nominations
February 1st, 2023 / in Announcements, CCC / by Haley GriffinThere is just over a week left to nominate yourself or a colleague to be a CCC Council member for terms beginning July 1, 2023. Nominations are open through 11:59pm EST on Friday, February 10, 2023. To nominate someone, please email ccc-nominations@cra.org the following information: Name, affiliation, and email address of the nominee. Areas of research expertise. Previous significant service to the research community and other relevant experience, with years it occurred (no more than *five* items). A curriculum vitae of the nominee (link to webpage is fine). A few sentences about why this candidate would be a great addition to the Council and complement its current membership. The names […]
Building Resilience to Climate Driven Extreme Events with Computing Innovations Report Released by the CCC
January 24th, 2023 / in Announcements, CCC, climate, NSF / by Catherine GillThe Computing Community Consortium (CCC) has submitted a community report to the National Science Foundation (NSF) for a new Convergence Accelerator track on the topic of “Building Resilience to Climate Driven Extreme Events with Computing Innovations”. The NSF’s Convergence Accelerator program, which was launched in 2019, aims to bring together researchers from diverse disciplines to collaborate on and expedite solutions to outstanding societal problems. Every year the Convergence Accelerator program accepts proposals from the community to identify Convergence Accelerator tracks for the next year. The NSF then funds workshops on some of these research tracks to allow these ideas to be fleshed out among researchers from various backgrounds. The […]
Fostering Responsible Computing Research White Paper Released
January 23rd, 2023 / in Announcements, CCC, CCC-led white papers, resources / by Haley GriffinThe National Academies (NASEM) recognized the need for computing researchers in academia, industry, and government to consider the ethical and societal impacts of their work. Thus, the NASEM Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB) formed a study committee which consisted of researchers with expertise across many areas of computer science and engineering, information science, computing technology development, social sciences, philosophy, and law, to work on a consensus study: Responsible Computing Research: Ethics and Governance of Computing Research and its Applications. The result of the study is a National Academies report published late last year: Fostering Responsible Computing Research: Foundations and Practices. Today, the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is releasing a […]
Reminder: CCC Call for Council Member Nominations
January 10th, 2023 / in Announcements, CCC / by Haley GriffinThank you to everyone who has nominated a colleague or self-nominated themselves for the opportunity to be a CCC Council member. As a reminder, nominations are open through 11:59pm EST on Friday, February 10, 2023. Read more about the nomination process and CCC Council member responsibilities in our original post here. If you have any questions, please direct them to the CCC Director Ann Schwartz (aschwartz@cra.org).
Congratulations to the New 2023 Class of IEEE Elevated Fellows
January 9th, 2023 / in Announcements, awards, CCC / by Maddy HunterThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) just announced their 2023 class of Elevated Fellows. Among them are members of the community with past affiliations and/or involvement with the Computing Research Association and the Computing Community Consortium activities. Fred Chong (Speaker at CCC Workshop “Next Steps in Quantum Computing: Computer Science’s Role”) Aaron Dollar (Contributor to the 2016 update to the Roadmap for US Robotics) Juan Gilbert (2009 CIFellow Mentor, also participated in several CRA and CRA-WP events) Yoshi Kohno (Presenter Computer Science: Past, Present and Future) Jana Kosecka (contributor to 2009 and 2020 update to the Roadmap for US Robotics and author of white paper “Next Generation Robotics”) […]