Computing Community Consortium Blog

The goal of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is to catalyze the computing research community to debate longer range, more audacious research challenges; to build consensus around research visions; to evolve the most promising visions toward clearly defined initiatives; and to work with the funding organizations to move challenges and visions toward funding initiatives. The purpose of this blog is to provide a more immediate, online mechanism for dissemination of visioning concepts and community discussion/debate about them.

Archive for the ‘CRA-I’ category


CRA Responds to White House Request for Information to Inform a National AI Action Plan

March 20th, 2025 / in CCC, CRA, CRA-I, Requests for Information, Uncategorized / by Catherine Gill

    In early February, the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) National Coordination Office (NCO) published a Request for Information (RFI) on the Development of an Artificial Intelligence Action Plan. This RFI, released on behalf of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, sought to inform the “priority policy actions needed to sustain and enhance America’s AI dominance.”   An incredible 8,755 responses were submitted to this RFI, including many from large industry companies, such as OpenAI, Google, and Anthopic, as well as many start-ups and “middle tech” companies (you can find a brief summary of several of their shared recommendations here). The Computing Research […]

Call for Participation: Breadth of Practices in Academia/Industry Relationships Workshop

November 18th, 2024 / in Announcements, CCC, CRA-I / by Petruce Jean-Charles

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) would like to encourage you to consider applying to attend the Breadth of Practices in Academia/Industry Relationships workshop in Seattle, WA on March 20-21, 2025. According to the request, collaboration between academia and industry is crucial for driving technological innovation and fostering economic growth. By identifying successful partnership models and a range of effective practices, stakeholders can strengthen these connections to stimulate new ways of engagement between academia and industry. “Participants will engage in meaningful discussions, share best practices, and contribute to the development of a ‘breadth of practices’ document to be shared with the broader computing research community.” Interested individuals should email CRA-I Manager […]

CCC Council Members named 2023 AAAS Fellows

April 26th, 2024 / in AAAS, Announcements, CCC, CRA-I / by Petruce Jean-Charles

CCC is proud to announce two of its council members Michela Taufer and Holly Yanco as the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s (AAAS) 2023 Fellows. CCC would also like to congratulate CRA-Industry’s Steering Committee Co-Chair Ben Zorn for this achievement. The AAAS Council elected 502 members as fellows for the 2023 class. The association selects individuals whose contributions to the progression of science or its practical applications for the betterment of society have set them apart within their professional community. Taufer believes the scientific community can find not just answers but new ways to question, challenge, and discover at the confluence of high-performance computing, computational science, and experimental science. […]

CCC and CRA-I Respond to NIH RFI on Developing Consent Language for Research Using Digital Health Technologies

December 13th, 2023 / in CCC, CRA-I / by Haley Griffin

Yesterday, CCC, in collaboration with CRA-Industry (CRA-I), responded to a Request for Information released by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on Developing Consent Language for Research Using Digital Health Technologies. The following CCC Council Members and CCC staff authored the response: David Danks (University of California, San Diego), Haley Griffin (Computing Community Consortium), Katie A. Siek (Indiana University), and Pamela Wisniewski (Vanderbilt University). CRA-I Council Member Tammy Toscos (Parkview Health) is also a co-author of the report. NIH provided informed consent sample language that they plan to release as a voluntary guide for researchers that use digital health technologies, and sought feedback from the community not only on gaps […]

The CRA Career Mentoring Workshops Now Accepting Applications

October 31st, 2023 / in CRA-I / by Maddy Hunter

Written by Helen Wright and originally posted on the CRA-I Blog The Computing Research Association (CRA) is now accepting applications for its biennial CRA Career Mentoring Workshops (CMWs). The workshops provide valuable career advice and mentoring activities to people just beginning or in the early stages of their computing research careers. Building on the success of more than two decades of workshops for starting a tenure-track position in academia, this year’s program is expanded to include a workshop on teaching and a track on launching a computing research career in industry. Taking place in Washington, D.C., participants have the option to join one or both workshops. CMW: Teaching will be held February […]

Final Reminder to Submit Feedback on the CRA’s Committee Responses to the NSF Request for Information on the new Technology, Innovations, and Partnerships (TIP) Directorate

August 29th, 2023 / in CCC, CRA, CRA-I, Government Affairs / by Catherine Gill

This is a final reminder to submit feedback on the joint CCC/GAC response and the CRA-Industry (CRA-I) response to the Request for Information (RFI) to inform the development of a roadmap for the recently established Technology, Innovations, and Partnerships (TIP) Directorate. We are very interested in hearing your feedback on our RFI responses and your thoughts on the TIP Directorate in general.    If you have any comments or feedback on these responses, please share them here. All of the feedback we receive will be treated anonymously. We will summarize the feedback we receive and post an anonymized addendum to our RFI responses to the CRA website. The deadline to […]