The Free/Open Source Software workshop wrapped up today. Discussion focused on a number of topics, including: – Translation into other domains of software – Software engineering practice – Collaboration issues in FOSS – Learning and education challenges/opportunities – Evolution of products, projects, practices and processes – Research infrastructures A report from the workshop will be developed in the coming weeks and posted on the CCC Web site. John L. King, CCC Council Liaison
Computing Community Consortium Blog
The goal of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is to catalyze the computing research community to debate longer range, more audacious research challenges; to build consensus around research visions; to evolve the most promising visions toward clearly defined initiatives; and to work with the funding organizations to move challenges and visions toward funding initiatives. The purpose of this blog is to provide a more immediate, online mechanism for dissemination of visioning concepts and community discussion/debate about them.
Archive for the ‘workshop reports’ category
FOSS Workshop Day 3 Wrap-up
February 12th, 2010 / in research horizons, resources, workshop reports / by Ran Libeskind-HadasFOSS Workshop, Day 2
February 11th, 2010 / in research horizons, resources, workshop reports / by Ran Libeskind-HadasThe attendees at the CCC-supported workshop on Free/Open Source Software met today at UC Irvine’s Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences to work in break-out groups on a refined classification scheme for open-source software development. The group will work tomorrow morning to synthesize the results of today’s efforts into elements that can be reported out. John L. King, CCC Council liaison
FOSS Workshop Kicks Off: Day 1
February 10th, 2010 / in research horizons, resources, workshop reports / by Ran Libeskind-HadasForty-five people met today in Newport Beach, CA for the first day of a three-day workshop supported by the CCC on Free/Open Source Software. For more background information, see (Note that about five participants who were supposed to come were snowed in by the big storms in the east, and couldn’t make it.) Today’s discussion was structured around four perspectives on FOSS, with moderators, main presenters, and discussants: Users/Producers: Moderator — Greg Madey (Notre Dame University); Main Presenter — Ralph Morelli (Trinity College); Discussants — Stormy Peters (GNOME Foundation), John Wallin (George Mason University). Human-Centered Computing: Moderator — Walt Scacchi (UC Irvine); Main Presenter: Chris Kelty (UCLA); Discussants — […]
A Report on the Cross-layer Reliability Visioning Study Group
December 18th, 2009 / in workshop reports / by Ran Libeskind-HadasThe Cross-layer Reliability Visioning Study Group met October 29-30 at the IBM Austin Research Center in Austin, Texas. This was the third of three scheduled meetings focused on the growing challenges imposed by changes in device technology, system sizes, and application requirements. A major goal of the Cross-layer Reliability Visioning process is to reach some consensus on how to achieve reliable computing using unpredictable components across different layers that dictate system reliability (i.e., device technology, design, architecture, software). While the first two meetings focused on defining the multi-dimensional cross-layer reliability design space and presented cross-layer challenges as viewed from a range of application domains (e.g., consumer electronics, space/avionics, etc.), the […]
A Report on the Discovery and Innovation in Health IT Workshop
December 2nd, 2009 / in research horizons, workshop reports / by Ran Libeskind-HadasThe CCC co-sponsored and co-organized the Discovery and Innovation in Health IT Workshop in San Francisco on October 29 and 30, 2009 ( ). The Discovery and Innovation in Health IT Workshop was an attempt to make further inroads on productive collaboration between healthcare and computing, exploring and defining fundamental computing research challenges and opportunities in healthcare IT in both the near- and long-term and identifying a range of “model” proof-of-concept, integrative systems that might serve as motivating and unifying forces to drive fundamental research in healthcare IT. Highlights of the workshop included plenary presentations by William Stead of Vanderbilt and Richard Bucholz of St. Louis University School of Medicine. […]
Cross-layer Reliability Visioning Progress
August 23rd, 2009 / in big science, research horizons, workshop reports / by Kapilendra PatnaikThe Cross-layer Reliability Visioning Study Group met July 8-9, 2009 in Los Alamos, NM. This was the second of three scheduled meetings focused on how to address the growing challenges imposed by changes in device technology, system sizes, and application requirements. A major goal of the Visioning process is to reach some consensus on how to achieve reliable computing using unpredictable components across different layers that dictate system reliability (i.e., device technology, design, architecture, software). While the first meeting focused on defining the multi-dimensional cross-layer reliability design space, including both theoretical and practical aspects of the problem, the second meeting focused on considering cross-layer reliability from different application domains (e.g., […]