In early February, the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) National Coordination Office (NCO) published a Request for Information (RFI) on the Development of an Artificial Intelligence Action Plan. This RFI, released on behalf of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, sought to inform the “priority policy actions needed to sustain and enhance America’s AI dominance.” An incredible 8,755 responses were submitted to this RFI, including many from large industry companies, such as OpenAI, Google, and Anthopic, as well as many start-ups and “middle tech” companies (you can find a brief summary of several of their shared recommendations here). The Computing Research […]
Computing Community Consortium Blog
The goal of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is to catalyze the computing research community to debate longer range, more audacious research challenges; to build consensus around research visions; to evolve the most promising visions toward clearly defined initiatives; and to work with the funding organizations to move challenges and visions toward funding initiatives. The purpose of this blog is to provide a more immediate, online mechanism for dissemination of visioning concepts and community discussion/debate about them.
Posts Tagged ‘CRA-Industry’
CRA Responds to White House Request for Information to Inform a National AI Action Plan
March 20th, 2025 / in CCC, CRA, CRA-I, Requests for Information, Uncategorized / by Catherine GillCCC and CRA-I Respond to NTIA Request for Comment on Ethical Guidelines for Research Using Pervasive Data
January 21st, 2025 / in Requests for Information / by Haley GriffinLast week, CCC, in collaboration with CRA-Industry, submitted a Response to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), Department of Commerce’s Request for Comments: Ethical Guidelines for Research Using Pervasive Data. The response was written by Nazanin Andalibi (University of Michigan), David Danks (University of California, San Diego), Haley Griffin (Computing Research Association), Mary Lou Maher (Computing Research Association), Jessica McClearn (Google), Chinasa T. Okolo (The Brookings Institution), Manish Parashar (University of Utah), Jessica Pater (Parkview Health), Katie Siek (Indiana University), Tammy Toscos (Parkview Health), Helen V. Wright (Computing Research Association), and Pamela Wisniewski (Vanderbilt University). The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) was seeking, “public input on the […]
The CRA Career Mentoring Workshops Now Accepting Applications
October 31st, 2023 / in CRA-I / by Maddy HunterWritten by Helen Wright and originally posted on the CRA-I Blog The Computing Research Association (CRA) is now accepting applications for its biennial CRA Career Mentoring Workshops (CMWs). The workshops provide valuable career advice and mentoring activities to people just beginning or in the early stages of their computing research careers. Building on the success of more than two decades of workshops for starting a tenure-track position in academia, this year’s program is expanded to include a workshop on teaching and a track on launching a computing research career in industry. Taking place in Washington, D.C., participants have the option to join one or both workshops. CMW: Teaching will be held February […]
Final Reminder to Submit Feedback on the CRA’s Committee Responses to the NSF Request for Information on the new Technology, Innovations, and Partnerships (TIP) Directorate
August 29th, 2023 / in CCC, CRA, CRA-I, Government Affairs / by Catherine GillThis is a final reminder to submit feedback on the joint CCC/GAC response and the CRA-Industry (CRA-I) response to the Request for Information (RFI) to inform the development of a roadmap for the recently established Technology, Innovations, and Partnerships (TIP) Directorate. We are very interested in hearing your feedback on our RFI responses and your thoughts on the TIP Directorate in general. If you have any comments or feedback on these responses, please share them here. All of the feedback we receive will be treated anonymously. We will summarize the feedback we receive and post an anonymized addendum to our RFI responses to the CRA website. The deadline to […]
CRA Committees Respond to NSF Request for Information on New Technology, Innovations, and Partnerships Directorate: Seek Additional Community Input
August 2nd, 2023 / in Announcements, CCC, CRA-I, NSF / by Catherine GillIn April 2023, the National Science Foundation (NSF) published a Request for Information (RFI) to inform the development of a roadmap for the recently established Technology, Innovations, and Partnerships (TIP) Directorate. This roadmap will help guide TIP’s investments in translational use-inspired research to maintain US competitiveness in scientific research. The Computing Research Association (CRA) submitted two responses: a joint response from the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) and CRA’s Government Affairs Committee (GAC) and another from CRA-Industry (CRA-I). The joint CCC/GAC response can be viewed here and the CRA-I response can be viewed here. In the joint CCC and GAC response, the authors comment on workforce development, addressing societal […]
Building a More Inclusive Future: Highlights from the CRA Accessible for All Report
July 17th, 2023 / in Announcements, workshop reports / by Maddy HunterWritten by Helen Wright – Originally posted on the CRA-I Blog In a rapidly digitizing world, ensuring accessibility for all individuals is crucial. In February 2023, the Computing Research Association (CRA) held a workshop on Accessible Technology for All. The workshop was co-hosted by CRA-Industry (CRA-I), Computing Community Consortium (CCC), and CRA-Widening Participation (CRA-WP) and led by a team of organizers from the various CRA committees including Jeanine Cooke (Sandia National Labs / CRA-WP), Shaun Kane (Google), Chris Ramming (VMware / CRA-I), Katie Siek (Indiana University / CCC), and Divesh Srivastava (AT&T / CRA-I). This workshop brought together over 40 participants, 20 being remote, from academia, industry, government, and disability advocacy groups to identify the accessibility challenges and opportunities of the […]