In December 2024, the National Science Foundation (NSF) released a Request for Comments (RFC) seeking public input to inform the adoption of new Intellectual Property (IP) provisions that the agency intends to use in future public-private partnerships. CCC is very pleased to have the opportunity to contribute to this crucial conversation because effective IP management is essential for translating research into real world impact, and fair ownership policies are necessary to effectively engage all involved parties. Below is a breakdown of some key considerations that CCC members suggested to improve the implementation of the suggested IP provisions: The Importance of University Input Researchers at US universities make up a significant […]
Computing Community Consortium Blog
The goal of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is to catalyze the computing research community to debate longer range, more audacious research challenges; to build consensus around research visions; to evolve the most promising visions toward clearly defined initiatives; and to work with the funding organizations to move challenges and visions toward funding initiatives. The purpose of this blog is to provide a more immediate, online mechanism for dissemination of visioning concepts and community discussion/debate about them.
Posts Tagged ‘NSF’
CCC Responds to NSF Request for Comment on Proposed Intellectual Property Options
February 12th, 2025 / in CCC, Requests for Information / by Catherine GillNCSA’s DeltaAI Supercomputer is Up and Running, and Director William Gropp Wants You to Use It
February 11th, 2025 / in CCC / by Catherine GillIn November of 2024, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) launched the DeltaAI supercomputer. The system, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through nearly $30 million in awards, is designed to advance data and memory-intensive AI and HPC research applications – but is also meant to support anyone needing to use GPUs, even those running PyTorch who need just one GPU. The system utilizes the GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip, which incorporates NVIDIA’s new Grace processor and H100 GPU, affording the supercomputer approximately 30 petaflops of double precision and 900 petaflops of half precision. In comparison to the average laptop, which might have several hundred gigaflops of double […]
Virtual Registration Open for the NSF Workshop on Sustainable Computing for Sustainability
March 25th, 2024 / in Announcements, climate / by Catherine GillThe NSF Workshop on Sustainable Computing for Sustainability has just released a virtual registration link to attend the workshop remotely on April 16-17, 2024. This workshop, which the CCC’s own Chandra Krintz is on the steering committee for, seeks to identify open challenges in how to harness computing to tackle sustainability problems, and in ensuring that computing accounts for sustainability in its own development and operation. Due to space limitations, the workshop will follow a hybrid format with approximately 100 in-person attendees at the National Science Foundation’s headquarters in Alexandria, VA, and remote participation feasible through a zoom webinar. Please use this link to register to attend remotely. The deadline […]
CCC Receives $5 Million NSF Award to Continue Catalyzing the Research Community
January 29th, 2024 / in CCC, NSF / by Haley GriffinThe following originally appeared on the CRA Bulletin, written by Haley Griffin, Program Associate, CCC, and Matt Hazenbush, Director of Communications Following an intensive recompete process, the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is pleased to announce it has been awarded a $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to continue serving the computing research community for another two years. Building on CCC’s strong track record of impact, the new award will enable the implementation of several notable enhancements to CCC operations, including strengthening its communications outreach and establishing a new evaluation strategy to support CCC’s continuous improvement. “I’m very pleased to be continuing our partnership with NSF,” said Dan Lopresti, […]
Call for Submissions: NSF Workshop on Sustainable Computing for Sustainability
January 16th, 2024 / in NSF / by Catherine GillBelow is a call for submissions to the NSF Workshop on Sustainable Computing for Sustainability, which has been taken directly from the NSF-WSCS 2024 website. The NSF Workshop on Sustainable Computing for Sustainability will be held at NSF in Alexandria, VA, on April 16-17, 2024. The workshop seeks to identify open challenges in how to harness computing to tackle sustainability problems, and in ensuring that computing accounts for sustainability in its own development and operation. Due to space limitations, the workshop will follow a hybrid format with approximately 100 in-person attendees, and remote participation feasible through a zoom webinar. The goal of this “Call for Submissions” is to help […]
The National Science Foundation and philanthropic partners announce the new ReDDDoT program
January 11th, 2024 / in Announcements, CCC, NSF / by Catherine GillOn Tuesday, the NSF announced the Responsible Design, Development, & Deployment of Technologies (ReDDDot) program, which aims to ensure both ethical and legal considerations from community and societal standpoints are established in the technology pipeline, from inception to deployment. This $16 million program will be a collaborative effort between the NSF and five philanthropic partners: the Ford Foundation, the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, Pivotal Ventures, Siegel Family Endowment, and the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fund for Strategic Innovation. Below is more information from the program’s public announcement: Who Can Submit Proposals: Multidisciplinary, multi-sector teams that demonstrate the principles, methodologies, and impacts associated with responsible design, development and […]