Computing Community Consortium Blog

The goal of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is to catalyze the computing research community to debate longer range, more audacious research challenges; to build consensus around research visions; to evolve the most promising visions toward clearly defined initiatives; and to work with the funding organizations to move challenges and visions toward funding initiatives. The purpose of this blog is to provide a more immediate, online mechanism for dissemination of visioning concepts and community discussion/debate about them.

Posts Tagged ‘sustainable computing


Call for Submissions: NSF Workshop on Sustainable Computing for Sustainability

January 16th, 2024 / in NSF / by Catherine Gill

Below is a call for submissions to the NSF Workshop on Sustainable Computing for Sustainability, which has been taken directly from the NSF-WSCS 2024 website.   The NSF Workshop on Sustainable Computing for Sustainability will be held at NSF in Alexandria, VA, on April 16-17, 2024.  The workshop seeks to identify open challenges in how to harness computing to tackle sustainability problems, and in ensuring that computing accounts for sustainability in its own development and operation. Due to space limitations, the workshop will follow a hybrid format with approximately 100 in-person attendees, and remote participation feasible through a zoom webinar.  The goal of this “Call for Submissions” is to help […]

NSF DCL: Design for Sustainability in Computing

May 6th, 2022 / in CCC-led white papers, NSF, research horizons, Uncategorized / by Maddy Hunter

Climate change is a hot topic that has ongoing conversations in every field imaginable, computer science being no exception. Researchers and scientists are increasingly concerned about the negative impacts computing has on the environment. While car exhaust, carbon footprints from factories and other obvious forms of pollution take the forefront in people’s minds – everyday actions done on the computer such as downloading a movie, flipping through TikTok or streaming YouTube videos uses a considerable amount of energy. In addition, technology such as laptops and phones contain a lot of toxic chemicals and heavy metals that infiltrate the environments upon disposal. Computer scientists are starting to rethink the way we […]

NSF DCL: Design for Sustainability in Computing

March 16th, 2022 / in NSF, research horizons / by Maddy Hunter

As technology advances and becomes an increasingly ubiquitous aspect of everyday life, researchers and the world at large must consider ways to minimize negative effects caused by computing to ensure sustainable development. A large area of concern is environmental impacts, including computing’s contributions to climate change. The Computing Community Consortium has been supporting research in this area in a multitude of ways including a white paper Computing Research for the Climate Crisis and the creation of the Computing and Challenges to Humanity: Climate task force which focuses on climate change/sustainable computing. Recently, Assistant Director for the National Science Foundation’s Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Directorate, Margaret Martonosi, released […]

Call for Papers – 2nd Annual International Workshop on Quantum Computing for Sustainable Computing

July 29th, 2019 / in Announcements, conferences / by Khari Douglas

Drs. Travis Humble (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) and Himanshu Thapliyal (University of Kentucky) have released a call for papers in order to participate in the upcoming 2nd International Workshop on Quantum Computing for Sustainable Computing co-located with the 10th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC 2019) taking place October 21-24, 2019, Alexandria, Virginia, USA. “IGSC 2019 provides a forum for presenting and discussing innovative research on a broad range of topics in the fields of sustainable and energy-efficient computing and computing for a more sustainable planet. The conference consists of technical papers, panels, workshops, PhD Forum, and special sessions on these topics.“ The submission deadline is July 31st and the full call can be found below: CALL […]