Computing Community Consortium Blog

The goal of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is to catalyze the computing research community to debate longer range, more audacious research challenges; to build consensus around research visions; to evolve the most promising visions toward clearly defined initiatives; and to work with the funding organizations to move challenges and visions toward funding initiatives. The purpose of this blog is to provide a more immediate, online mechanism for dissemination of visioning concepts and community discussion/debate about them.

Posts Tagged ‘NSF


NSF Releases Open Knowledge Network Roadmap Report

September 21st, 2022 / in AI, NSF / by Maddy Hunter

Transformative advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technology require large amounts of accurate, comprehensive data. There is a widening disparity between the types and amounts of datasets that organizations have access to. This not only hinders research, but widens the knowledge gap between entities. A commonly talked about solution is developing an open source knowledge structure that will be available to everyone and house a wide diversity of data to help address pressing issues such as economic growth, climate change, misinformation, pandemic prevention etc. Last week the National Science Foundation (NSF) released an “Open Knowledge Network Roadmap Report” as a guide towards realizing this type of infrastructure. In February through […]

Register for Intro to NSF’s TIP Directorate Webinar

August 31st, 2022 / in NSF, Research News, resources, Uncategorized / by Maddy Hunter

The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) new Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) is holding an introductory webinar September 27th from 2-3PM ET. The TIP directorate seeks to catalyze research and create breakthrough technologies by fostering a healthy, lucrative ecosystem of high-wage, high-impact STEM jobs. Through a number of programs and investments, TIP works towards accelerating the transition from research to impact and establishing smooth transitions of technological products from the lab to the market. You can learn more about TIP’s programs, objectives and funding opportunities by registering for the webinar here. You can get a brief overview from reading a recent CCC blog post recapping NSF TIP’s first quarterly […]

NSF TIP Quarterly Report

August 16th, 2022 / in Announcements, NSF / by Maddy Hunter

The National Science Foundations (NSF) newly established Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) sent out their first quarterly newsletter. The newsletter is intended to update the community on existing investments, new initiatives/funding opportunities, events, job opportunities and more. TIP was established earlier this year to catalyze innovation and research in emerging technologies and encourage collaboration across disciplines and sectors to address pivotal challenges facing our country and maintain our country’s competitive edge in the technology sphere. A couple highlights from this weeks newsletter include: Last week President Biden signed into law the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, which officially authorizes the TIP directorate. NSF Regional Innovation Engines, […]

NSF DCL: Design for Sustainability in Computing

May 6th, 2022 / in CCC-led white papers, NSF, research horizons, Uncategorized / by Maddy Hunter

Climate change is a hot topic that has ongoing conversations in every field imaginable, computer science being no exception. Researchers and scientists are increasingly concerned about the negative impacts computing has on the environment. While car exhaust, carbon footprints from factories and other obvious forms of pollution take the forefront in people’s minds – everyday actions done on the computer such as downloading a movie, flipping through TikTok or streaming YouTube videos uses a considerable amount of energy. In addition, technology such as laptops and phones contain a lot of toxic chemicals and heavy metals that infiltrate the environments upon disposal. Computer scientists are starting to rethink the way we […]

NSF CISE Distinguished Lecture: Pete Beckman on Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Continuum

May 4th, 2022 / in AI, CCC, NSF / by Maddy Hunter

Pete Beckman will give a talk “Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Continuum: The Future of Linking Scientific Instruments and Edge Computing to Advanced Computation” as a part of the National Science Foundation CISE Distinguished Lecture Series. The lecture will be held on May 19th, 2022 at 11AM ET. Current technology, particularly artificial intelligence, enables huge amounts of data to be immediately collected, processed and archived. Beckman’s lecture will dive into SAGE, a new edge computing programming framework, how it will transform the digital continuum and upcoming developments in intelligent scientific infrastructure. Talk Abstract: No longer does a chasm exist between scientific instrumentation and advanced computation. From the sensor to the […]

NSF Distinguished Lecture: Socially Interactive Robots for Equitable Healthcare Outcomes

April 28th, 2022 / in CCC, NSF, robotics / by Maddy Hunter

Dr. Ayanna Howard, Dean of Engineering at The Ohio State University and Monte Ahuja Endowed Dean’s Chair will speak on “Socially Interactive Robots for Equitable Healthcare Outcomes” as a part of the NSF Distinguished Lecture Series. The event, to be held May 4th at 11 AM Eastern, will focus on how robots (particularly healthcare robots) and artificial intelligence can be positively integrated into everyday life and tasks. Research and development of helper robots exploded during the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to grow as people realize positive potential and impact these technologies can have on the healthcare field. Abstract Dr. Howard’s lecture will provide insights into how robots and artificial intelligence […]